
Monday, 30 November 2015


this is my xtra maths I have got 26 smily faces in a row

Wednesday, 25 November 2015


this is my xtramaths it has 17 smily faces in a row and 4 x I have one tike and 50 smily faces

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Wedges Experiment

wedges experiment
to find out which teeth is used for biting and chewing foods. why do we use certain teeth for biting and chewing.   

I think that the front teeth is for biting and the back teeth is for chewing the food. because if you had a banana and you bite it with your front teeth it will be much easier and if you     

I used my canines and incisors to bite the banana and I used my molars to chew the banana   

results bread
I used my canines, incisors, premolars, to bite the bread and I used my molars to chew it

results morning tea
I used my premolars to bite my chips and I used my molars to chew my chips . 

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

measuring the number of centimeters from where the sweets dropped

the Garth shows the number of what have you dropped Taani's and Joseph's sweets were the closest to the bowl. Sky's treat was the ferrets to the bowl. everybody els did not drop the treats and the pebbles were harder to carry because it was slippery then the wine gums.    

Monday, 9 November 2015


This is my xtramaths I have got 36 right in a row and I have got 5 rang I will do better next time  

Friday, 6 November 2015

multiplication array

multiplication array

multiplication array

multiplication array

multiplication array

multiplication array

multiplication array

multiplication array

multiplication array

multiplication array

I have been learning about time tables  this is what I done


this is my xtramaths I have got 10 smily faces in a row 


this is my wedges poster it is a simple mushiness

Thursday, 5 November 2015


THIS IS MY xtramaths I have got 6 smily faces in a row